Welfare and social services

Free up time for patient work and improve service quality

More effective patient care

The constant evolution of the health and social care sector requires new thinking and innovation.
Metatavu brings you technology solutions that free your hands and mind for patient care, while improving the quality of your services.
With our help, you can focus on what matters most: people’s well-being and health.

Innovative healthcare

At Metatavu, we believe that technology can make healthcare not only more efficient, but also more humane.
We offer solutions that make your daily work easier, improve patient safety and make your services smoother.
Our innovative solutions allow healthcare to focus on what it does best: helping people.

Journey with Metatavu

Kaikki alkaa design-näkemyksestä

Onnistuneen teknologiaprojektin ensimmäinen kysymys on aina ”miksi”. Lähestymme kehittämistä aina ratkaisu ja konteksti edellä – ei teknologia.

Koe ketterän ohjelmistokehityksen edut

Hyödynnämme designin ja kehitystyön tiivistä vuoropuhelua. Se varmistaa, että opimme kanssasi koko ajan, ja kohdistamme resurssit oikein.

Lopputulos on sinun – ilman toimittajalukkoja

Räätälöity softa sopii aina tarpeeseesi, tarjoaa parhaan elinkaariarvon ja on lopulta lähes aina kustannustehokkaampi kuin valmisratkaisut. 

It all starts with a design vision

The first question in a successful technology project is always “why”.
We always approach development with the solution and context first – not the technology.

Experience the benefits of agile software development

We exploit the close dialogue between design and development.
It ensures that we learn with you all the time, and allocate resources correctly.

The end result is yours – without the supplier locks

Custom software always fits your needs, offers the best lifecycle value and is almost always more cost-effective than off-the-shelf solutions.