The world’s most used open-source identity and access management solution, which integrates with almost anything.
Keycloak is an open-source identity and access management solution that enables cost-effective single sign-on (SSO) between different authentication services, such as Azure AD and Google Workspace, without technology or vendor dependencies.
Keycloak is designed to simplify and centralize identity and access management needs. It offers the following key benefits:
Single Sign-On (SSO): Users can log in once and gain access to multiple applications without needing separate logins.
Identity Management: Keycloak provides comprehensive tools for managing users, including registration, user profile management, password recovery, and much more.
Access Management: You can control who has access to different resources and set user-specific or group-specific permissions.
Customization: Keycloak allows for customized authentication methods, such as FineID for healthcare card logins or digital tachograph card for vehicle logins. You can manage everything from strong authentication to social media logins. Keycloak simplifies what would otherwise be difficult.
For example, the authentication is implemented using Keycloak.
Practically all digital solutions require some form of identity and access management, whether it’s for mobile or web applications, APIs, or IoT devices.
Keycloak offers businesses a flexible, cost-effective, and open solution for identity and access management. Its ability to integrate with various authentication services and support for diverse login methods makes it an excellent choice for companies seeking a reliable and scalable IAM solution.
As a solution, Keycloak is excellently suited to be integrated as part of other services and can be customized to meet a variety of needs.
It is also very cost-effective, as customers retain the intellectual property rights (IPR) to the software, which means there are no vendor or technology lock-ins. Keycloak is developed by RedHat, which is owned by IBM, ensuring reliability and continuous development.
Participation in Keycloak Development: Metatavu is actively involved in the development of Keycloak, ensuring that we are always up-to-date with the latest features and improvements.
Custom Solutions: We have implemented numerous client-specific customizations to Keycloak, including:
Maintenance and Support: We maintain Keycloak instances for dozens of clients and ensure they operate smoothly and securely.
Feature Enhancement: We have added features to Keycloak according to client needs, enabling them to utilize the system as effectively as possible.
Strategic Partnerships: Metatavu is a partner of Signicat, which enhances our ability to offer extended authentication and identity management solutions.
Keycloak allows you to manage your identity independently, or it can be linked to an existing user directory, such as Active Directory, or to another identity.
It supports a wide variety of login methods, including traditional ID & password login, social media login, federated login and strong authentication.
As a solution, it is ideal for integration with other services and can be adapted to a wide range of needs.
Onnistuneen teknologiaprojektin ensimmäinen kysymys on aina ”miksi”. Lähestymme kehittämistä aina ratkaisu ja konteksti edellä – ei teknologia.
Hyödynnämme designin ja kehitystyön tiivistä vuoropuhelua. Se varmistaa, että opimme kanssasi koko ajan, ja kohdistamme resurssit oikein.
Räätälöity softa sopii aina tarpeeseesi, tarjoaa parhaan elinkaariarvon ja on lopulta lähes aina kustannustehokkaampi kuin valmisratkaisut.
The first question in a successful technology project is always “why”.
We always approach development with the solution and context first – not the technology.
We exploit the close dialogue between design and development.
It ensures that we learn with you all the time, and allocate resources correctly.
Custom software always fits your needs, offers the best lifecycle value and is almost always more cost-effective than off-the-shelf solutions.
Keycloak is used to simplify and centralise identity and access management.
It enables single sign-on (SSO) to multiple applications, provides tools for user management, and enables almost any custom authentication method in a cost-effective way.
Keycloak acts as an OAuth server and also supports OIDC and SAML protocols.
It is highly configurable and can connect SAML and OIDC sources.
Keycloak is extensible with an SPI extension mechanism that allows you to create custom add-ons, build your own MFA system or integrate custom providers into legacy login systems.
Keycloak is an SSO solution.
It enables single sign-on (SSO) to multiple applications and services by supporting protocols such as OAuth 2.0, OIDC and SAML.
Keycloak is configurable and extensible, so it can combine different authentication sources and support custom solutions such as building your own MFA and integrating legacy systems.
Keycloak is an identity and access management solution that provides single sign-on (SSO) and supports protocols such as OAuth 2.0, OIDC and SAML.
Keycloak is configurable and extensible, and can integrate with a variety of authentication sources, including LDAP.
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a protocol used to query and manage directory service information.
Keycloak provides more extensive authentication and authorisation features and modern logon solutions, while LDAP focuses on directory information management.
Tarjotaksemme parhaat kokemukset, käytämme teknologioita kuten evästeitä tallentaaksemme ja/tai käyttääksemme laitetietoja. Suostumalla näihin teknologioihin annat meille luvan käsitellä tietoja, kuten selauskäyttäytymistä tai uniikkeja tunnisteita tällä sivustolla. Suostumatta jättäminen tai suostumuksen peruuttaminen voi haitata tiettyjen ominaisuuksien ja toimintojen käyttöä.